As you may be aware, if you have ever worn a mouthpiece, saliva production will initially increase until you acclimate, which can take a couple of weeks, depending on how often you use the device or have it in your mouth.  The more time you spend wearing a device in your mouth, the better, even when not using it actively. Just wearing it around the house will help.

The Lip Seal Flap is designed to help you get the ideal seal between your lips and the MAXIMUS device for maximal airflow through the device and maximal performance gains.  If you cheat and breathe through your nose, you will negate most of the benefits because breathing through a nose, not through the device, is easy and will not elicit improved performance.

As outlined in the instructions, it's crucial to breathe only through the device, never your nose or unsealed mouth, for maximal benefits and improvement. This guidance is here to support you in your journey.

If you cheat through the nose or mouth, lower your resistance until you can use it for the entire workout.

When exercising without the device, always remember to focus on deep breathing through your nose. This method is preferred for the many benefits it provides, keeping you informed and aware of your breathing techniques.

When not using the device, you should always breathe through the nasal cavity to maximize the physiological benefits of nitric oxide production.  

See the Link Below.

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